CERTEGO strives to maintain an open business climate and a high standard of business ethics. In our operations, we prioritize safety and respect for all individuals affected by our activities. Therefore, all of CERTEGO's stakeholders play a crucial role in our success.
All our employees, business partners, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report service-related misconduct that affects individuals, our organization, society, or the environment. CERTEGO has zero tolerance for actions such as discrimination, harassment, crimes, corruption, and environmental violations.
The whistleblower service
We provide a secure channel for anonymous reporting and dialogue. Through our whistleblower service, we can obtain early warnings to mitigate risks. It is essential to uphold good corporate governance and maintain the trust of our customers and the public.
To ensure your anonymity, the service is managed by an external party, WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre, at https://whistleb.com. The communication channel is encrypted and password-protected. All messages are treated confidentially.
Who can file a report?
All our employees, business partners, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report service-related misconduct that affects individuals, our organization, society, or the environment.
CERTEGO has zero tolerance for actions such as discrimination, harassment, crimes, corruption, and environmental violations.
What should be reported?
The whistleblower service can be used to alert us about serious risks of misconduct that could impact people, our organization, society, or the environment. Your report may contain information about criminal activity, wrongdoing, violations, or other actions that contravene EU or national laws within a work-related context. You do not need to have evidence for your suspicion, but all messages should be submitted in good faith.