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Ringer i Vannet – successful recruitment project

12/6/23 1:47 PM

CERTEGO in Norway signed an agreement with "Ringer i Vannet" (Rings in the Water) in March 2023. "Ringer i Vannet" is a joint venture with NHO (Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon - the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise) to assist individuals who, for various reasons, have found themselves outside the workforce. The goal is to match job seekers with the right companies. This recruitment method leads to over 1,500 people in Norway securing permanent jobs through "Ringer i Vannet" each year. Thomas Jan Slagter is one of these individuals.

“Through this collaboration, we aim to give people a new chance, while also adding valuable expertise to CERTEGO,” says André Jonsson, HR Manager, CERTEGO Norway.

Together with 14 other companies, CERTEGO participated in the recruitment day organized by "Ringer i Vannet," where approximately 100 job seekers conducted speed interviews with the companies.

It was a great opportunity to meet many potential candidates all in one day. There were some strong candidates who truly stood out and made a lasting impression. One of these was Thomas Jan Slagter, whom we gave the chance to come work with us. He started in August 2023 and got permanent employment by the end of October, says André.

Thomas Jan's background story is touching. In February 2022, Thomas Jan was diagnosed with brain cancer and MS. The majority of the tumor was removed in June 2022. In December 2022, he underwent 30 consecutive days of radiation. There was a 'break' in January, and then he started chemotherapy in February 2023. The chemotherapy was challenging; he went through 5 rounds of 42 days each and completed it in August 2023.

Unfortunately, the type of cancer Thomas Jan has is incurable, called 'Oligodendroglioma.' This means it is expected to return in the future.

“CERTEGO is very considerate of my situation, and I am very grateful for that. I can take extra rest days if needed and more breaks on workdays. I can also take extra time off when I have more treatments. Not that I take much time off. I like to work physically, as long as my body is still on my side,” says Thomas Jan.

Thomas Jan is working as a security technician at the Radium Hospital project, which he finds very enjoyable since that is the very same hospital where he was treated. Thomas Jan has never worked in the security industry before. He is originally from the Netherlands, where he was studying Art History.

At CERTEGO, I have received all the training I need on the construction site, and I learn very quickly. I think CERTEGO is an incredibly good employer. The way I was taken care of here was very warm and open. The professional path ahead also looks bright. If my health deteriorates, CERTEGO will provide me with an office job.

“Thomas Jan has since he started been a great asset and a quick learner, and we are happy to have him at CERTEGO. This is not only something beneficial for job seekers; CERTEGO also has a lot to gain from it. This was a first and successful pilot, and we plan to increase our cooperation with Ringer i Vannet. We have a significant need for more security technicians, and I believe that through this program, we can find motivated and skilled individuals,” says André.

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