
Tonje Heggem Helstad returns to CERTEGO as Group HR Director

Written by CERTEGO | 9/5/24 1:03 PM

After working at CERTEGO from 2014 to 2022, Tonje Heggem Helstad is now back with the company in a new role. She returns as Group HR Director for Norway and will also take responsibility for HR matters at the Group level, where she will lead our Nordic HR agenda and head our Nordic HR Forum.

”Just like at my previous workplaces, people are at the heart of everything, all the way up to the top management at CERTEGO – so it feels fantastic to be back," says Tonje.


Tonje explains that the HR field has evolved significantly in recent years. ”We’ve streamlined processes and systems within HR. A key part of the future for HR at CERTEGO will be leveraging synergies between countries and harnessing the expertise that exists both within HR and across other areas.”

”Going forward, it will be essential to focus even more on work environment, leadership development, and employee growth, as well as attracting talented professionals by promoting ourselves as the excellent employer we are,” Tonje continues.

"In the end, it’s about making the profession more appealing to women," says Tonje Heggem Helstad.

The security industry has traditionally been male-dominated – but this is a challenge Tonje views with optimism. ”It’s fantastic that, over time, we’ve managed to recruit more women into the company, both in leadership positions and other support functions,” Tonje shares, who will herself be part of CERTEGO’s executive leadership team.

At the same time, she points out that there’s still some way to go in terms of achieving gender balance in technical roles. ”Ultimately, it’s about making the profession more attractive to women and ensuring we have a culture and work environment that appeals,” Tonje explains.

Returning to CERTEGO is something Tonje is excited about. ”For me, CERTEGO represents close collaboration between HR and the operational side of the business, with strong commitment both to the work and to colleagues,” she emphasises. ”People are, without a doubt, CERTEGO’s most important asset.”

"During her many years at CERTEGO in Norway, Tonje has been a key culture bearer and contributed with clear structures and routines within the HR field. Both my organisation and I are very happy to have Tonje back in Norway," says Rolf Gunnar Reisænen, Country Manager for CERTEGO Norway.

"I am very pleased to have Tonje as part of my strong team, and I am confident that she will contribute positively to the HR field, which is so important to all of us, as our greatest asset is our employees," says Jonas Granath, CEO of CERTEGO.

A warm welcome back, Tonje!